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Emergency Medical Services Programs

Emergency Medical Technician (STC-EMT)

This program is designed to prepare students for employment as Emergency Medical Technicians at the basic level. Upon completion of the training certificate, graduates are eligible to sit for the National Registry examination. An Alabama Basic EMT license is obtained by passing this examination.

Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (STC-EMA)

This program is designed to prepare students for employment as Emergency Medical Technicians at the advanced level. Upon completion of the training certificate, graduates are eligible to sit for the National Registry examination. An Alabama Advanced EMT license is obtained by passing this examination.

Paramedic (AAS-EMP)

The Paramedic Program prepares individuals, under the remote supervision of physicians, to recognize, assess, and manage medical emergencies in prehospital settings and to supervise Ambulance personnel. Includes instruction in basic, intermediate, and advanced EMT procedures; emergency surgical procedures; medical triage; rescue operations; crisis scene management and personnel supervision; equipment operation and maintenance; patient stabilization, monitoring, and care; drug administration; identification and preliminary diagnosis of diseases and injuries; communication and computer operations; basic anatomy, physiology, pathology, and toxicology; and professional standards and regulations. The purpose of the program is as follows: To prepare Paramedics who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession.

Paramedic (CER-EMP) (Certificate)

The Paramedic Program prepares individuals, under the remote supervision of physicians, to recognize, assess, and manage medical emergencies in prehospital settings and to supervise Ambulance personnel. Includes instruction in basic, intermediate, and advanced EMT procedures; emergency surgical procedures; medical triage; rescue operations; crisis scene management and personnel supervision; equipment operation and maintenance; patient stabilization, monitoring, and care; drug administration; identification and preliminary diagnosis of diseases and injuries; communication and computer operations; basic anatomy, physiology, pathology, and toxicology; and professional standards and regulations. The purpose of the program is as follows: To prepare Paramedics who are competent in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains to enter the profession.