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Nursing Policies


In order to progress in the nursing program, the student must:

  1. Achieve a grade of C or better in all required general education and nursing courses
  2. Be acceptable by clinical agencies for clinical experiences
  3. Maintain ability to meet essential eligibility criteria for nursing with or without reasonable accommodations
  4. Maintain program health requirements
  5. Not have more than one semester with an unsuccessful attempt(s). A total of two unsuccessful attempts in two separate semesters (D, F, or W) in the nursing program will result in dismissal from program.


A link to reinstatement applications may be found under the "resources" tab. 

Students who have a withdrawal or failure in a nursing course and are eligible to return to that course will be considered for reinstatement to the program. Students who desire reinstatement must apply for reinstatement to the program. Reinstatement requests must be received by the nursing department within 48 hours of final grade postings in the semester for which the student either failed, or withdrew, in order to be considered for the following semester. Requests may not be faxed. A student must request reinstatement within one year from the term of non-progression to be eligible for reinstatement. Students dismissed from the program for disciplinary reasons and/or unsafe client care in the clinical area will not be allowed reinstatement to the nursing program. Reinstatement to the program will be allowed only one time. Reinstatement is not guaranteed due to limitations in clinical space. All nursing program admission standards must be met. A rubric is used to determine reinstatement when space is limited. The rubric consists of student attendance, behavior, lab/clinical performance, and GPA. 

A minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA at the current institution is required for reinstatement.

A student who has documented extenuating circumstances that should be considered related to a withdrawal or failure may request a hearing before the Extenuating Circumstances Committee for a decision on repeating a course or reinstatement to the program. 

Nursing students whose second unsuccessful attempt occurs in NUR 211 or NUR 221 may apply for the Mobility Program. All admission requirements for Mobility must be met, including a 2.5 cumulative GPA in the core general education requirements and valid Alabama or multi-state Practical Nursing License.

Students with two non-progressions in the Mobility Program must apply to start over in the Mobility Program with NUR 209, even if the student started the program in NUR 211. Students may elect to apply to the ADN program from the beginning as well. 

Process for Reinstatement

  1. Students should first schedule an appointment with a nursing faculty/advisor to discuss eligibility for reinstatement. 
  2. Students must apply for reinstatement to the nursing program and provide a Letter of Intent by published deadlines. Students must apply for readmission to the college if not currently enrolled. College readmission must be accomplished by published deadlines. 
  3. Update immunizations, CPR, drug testing, and background screening according to program policy.
  4. Demonstrate competency in previous course(s) as required by the College’s nursing program.

Students who have been out of the nursing program for two or more semesters will be required to demonstrate the following competencies as appropriate to the course(s):

  1. Pass a comprehensive written exam at 75% within two attempts.
  2. Demonstrate acceptable skills proficiency for the following within two attempts: Head-to-toe assessment; medication administration by all legal routes for nurses; vital signs assessment and interpretation; IV therapy (IV start, administration of IV medication, identification of complications,etc); sterile procedures such as dressing change, tracheostomy suction, and/or urinary catheterization. 


Students not eligible for reinstatement may apply for program admission as a new student and must submit all application criteria. If accepted as a new student the student must take, or retake, all nursing program courses and must meet all current admission criteria.


A link to transfer applications may be found under the "resources" tab. 

Students wishing to transfer must:

  1. Meet minimum admission standards for the nursing program
  2. Possess a grade of C or better in all nursing program required courses taken at another institution and possess a minimum of a 2.0 cumulative GPA at time of transfer
  3. Provide a letter of eligibility for progression from the Dean/Director in previous nursing program
  4. Comply with all program policy requirements at accepting institution
  5. Complete at least 25% of the nursing program required courses for degree /certificate at the accepting institution
  6. Meet acceptability criteria for placement at clinical agencies for clinical experience
  7. Have taken the last nursing course from previous nursing program within one year from admission to program in which transferring
  8. Demonstrate competency in previous course(s) as required by the College's nursing program. Students must demonstrate the following competencies as appropriate to the course(s): 
  • Pass a comprehensive written exam at 75% within two attempts. 
  • Demonstrate acceptable skills proficiency for the following within two attempts: Head-to-toe assessment; medication administration by all legal routes for nurses; vital signs assessment and interpretation; IV therapy (IV start, administration of IV medication, identification of complications,etc); sterile procedures such as dressing change, tracheostomy suction, and/or urinary catheterization.

Acceptance of transfer students into nursing programs is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available. Meeting minimal standards does not guarantee acceptance. Student selection for transfer is based on GPA in nursing program required courses.

NOTE: Students must submit the transfer application packet prior to the last 3 weeks of any given semester. Transfer applications are not accepted by fax. Students who have been out of the previous nursing program longer than one year are not eligible to transfer.